How to Design and Produce Products, Guide for Entrepreneurs

4 min readSep 9, 2023


Building a successful product from scratch is what many entrepreneurs dream of, but it’s a journey filled with challenges and exciting moments. It involves identifying what customers really need and then introducing a well-designed product to the market.

This process requires dedication, creative thinking, and careful planning. In this article, we’ll explore the steps taken to turn ideas into a successful business.

1. Identify a Need/Problem

The foundation of a successful product relies on meeting a specific customer need or solving a problem.

Start by doing thorough research in your industry to find out what’s missing or what issues people have with existing products. Talk to potential customers, conduct surveys, and look at industry trends to understand the specific challenges your target audience is facing. The clearer you are about the problem, the more focused you can be when developing your product.

2. Give Shape to Your Vision

After you’ve figured out what you need to make, it’s time to get creative. Have brainstorming sessions where you come up with ideas for how your product could look, what materials it should be made of, and what features it should have to solve the problem you identified.

At this stage, don’t be afraid to think outside the box innovative ideas might seem a bit strange at first. If an idea is good, it will still be valuable in the later stages of development. Focus on making your product unique and different from what’s already out there.

Once you’ve settled on an idea, find an expert designer who can create drawings or models to show how your ideas will actually look. Websites like Upwork can help you find talented designers. It might take some time to find the right person, but once you do, they can help you make your product both attractive and functional.

3. Validation of Your Product Idea

Before you dive into making your product, it’s really important to check if people actually want it. Unless your product has super-secret stuff, it’s a good idea to talk to potential customers about it. You can even offer to sell it in advance, even to your friends and family, to see if people want to buy it. If people react positively and show real interest, you can feel more sure about going ahead. I get it if you’re worried about telling everyone your idea, but getting feedback and seeing if there’s interest early on can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

4. Locate a Production Partner

After you’ve made sure your idea is good, the next big step is finding the right company to make your product. Websites like Alibaba have lots of companies that can do this, but it’s super important to do your homework to pick the best one. Start by looking for companies that have experience making things like yours. Then, narrow down your choices by checking how good their work is, what their customers say, and how much it will cost you.

To make sure they can make your product well, order a few samples from the companies you’re interested in. Look at these samples really carefully, paying attention to things like the materials they use, how well they put it together, and if it works like it should. Once you find the right company, make sure you explain exactly how you want your product to be made.

5. Exercise patience and expect multiple iterations

Making a really great product usually means you’ll have to change and improve it a few times. You’ve got to be patient because this process takes a lot of time, unless you’re super lucky. You should expect each new version of your product to take at least three months to refine, including making the design better and getting the final sample.

It’s important to talk openly with the company making your product. Show them pictures and drawings and explain exactly how you want it to be better. Good communication helps make sure they understand what you want and can make your product just the way you envision it.

6. Introduce Your Product to the Market and Seek Feedback

Before you make a whole bunch of your product, let some people try it out in the real world to get their thoughts. Give prototypes or special limited versions to selected folks, and ask them to tell you honestly what they think.

This step helps you learn what customers really think about your product, find any problems, and make the last changes. Even if you’ve planned everything carefully, there might be some surprises or situations where your product doesn’t work as expected. Testing it in real situations is really important at this stage.


Building a successful product from scratch is a challenging yet rewarding journey. It begins by identifying customer needs and designing a unique solution. Validation through feedback ensures its demand. Finding the right manufacturing partner and iterative refinements are key. Finally, introducing the product to the market for real-world testing completes the process.”

Originally published at on September 9, 2023.

